The index is an alphabetical list split into 4 sections:
A-D, E - M, N - Se (this section), and Sh - Z.
For RCRA SW-846 Test methods - the complete manuals, click here!
Index to EPA Test Methods, December 2001, is also available as a 347K Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF).
To find the correct method, first find the substance or the method type in the list. (you can either scroll or, use your web browser's "find" function.) The document is set up by keyword in column one, test method number in column two, document number or title (or other source where the text of the test method is found) in column 3 and the part of CFR Title 40 where the test method is located if applicable.
For more information about finding test methods there is a listing of Sources of EPA Test Methods
Chemical or Method Description | Method Number | EPA Report or other number | 40 CFR Pt |
Nabam/Niacide/Sodium Dimethyldithiocarbamate | 0630 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
National Status and Trends Program Approach | SEDIMENT | 823/R-92-006 | |
Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Sovents | MNA | 600/R-98-128 | |
n-Hexane extractable material (HEM)/oil & grease | 9071B |
| |
Nickel - AA, Direct Aspiration | 0249.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nickel - AA, Direct Aspiration | 7520 | SW-846 Ch 3.3 | |
Nickel - AA, Furnace | 0249.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nickel - Sample Preparation | 0200.2 | 600/R-94-111 | |
Nickel by AA, Furnace Method | 7521 | SW-846 Ch 3.3 | |
Nicotine in Indoor Air | IP-2 | 600/4-90-10 | |
Nitrate | 9200* | deleted | |
Nitrate - Potentiometric in Aqueous/Ion-Sel Elec | 9210 | SW-846 Ch 5 | |
Nitrate - Potentiometric in Aqueous/Ion-Sel Elec | 9210 | SW-846 Ch 5 | |
Nitrate - Potentiometric in Aqueous/Ion-Sel Elec | 9210A | SW-846 Ch 5 | Update IVB |
Nitrate & Nitrite by Gas Segmented CF/CA | 0353.4 | 600/R-97-072 | |
Nitrate/nitrite-N in biosolids - auto photometry | 1685 |
| |
Nitrate/nitrite-N in biosolids/ manual colimetry | 1686 |
| |
Nitrate-N by IC | 0300.0 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitrate-Nitrate by Automated Colorimetry | 0353.2 | 600/R-93-100 | |
Nitrate-Nitrite by Automated Colormetric | 0353.6 | 600/4-86-024 | |
Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen Dioxide & NOx - Electro | NITODNOX |
| |
Nitrite & Nitrate - Small Water Systems | SAMPLING | 814/B-94-001 | |
Nitrite by IC | 0300.0 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitroaromatics & Nitramines - HPLC | 8330 | SW-846 Ch 4.3.3 | |
Nitroaromatics & Nitramines by HPLC | 8330A | SW-846 Ch 4.3 | Update IVA |
Nitroaromatics and Cyclic Ketones | 8090* | deleted | |
Nitroaromatics and Cyclic Ketones - Cap Column | 8091 | SW-846 Ch 4.3.1 | |
Nitroaromatics and Isophorone | 0609 | /waterscience | 136 App A |
Nitrogen- & Phosphorus-Containing Pesticides | 0507 | 821/R-93-010-B | |
Nitrogen- & Phosphorus-Containing Pesticides | 0507 | 821/R-93-010-B | |
Nitrogen Dioxide - Gas Phase Chemluminescence | AIR |
| 50 App F |
Nitrogen Dioxide in Indoor Air | IP-5 | 600/4-90-10 | |
Nitrogen Oxide - Colorimetric | 0007C |
| 60 App A |
Nitrogen Oxide - Instrumental | 0007E |
| 60 App A |
Nitrogen Oxide - Ion Chromatographic | 0007A |
| 60 App A |
Nitrogen Oxide - Ion Chromatographic | 0007D |
| 60 App A |
Nitrogen Oxide - Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry | 0007B |
| 60 App A |
Nitrogen Oxide Emissions - Stationary Sources | 0007 |
| 60 App A |
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) - Stationary Gas Turbines | 0020 |
| 60 App A |
Nitrogen, Ammonia - Colorimetric | 0350.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitrogen, Ammonia - Colorimetric, Titrimetric | 0350.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitrogen, Ammonia - Potentiometric | 0350.3 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitrogen, Ammonia - Semi-Automated Colorimetry | 0350.1 | 600/R-93-100 | |
Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total - Colorimetric | 0351.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total - Colorimetric/Auto. | 0351.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total - Colorimetric/Titri. | 0351.3 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total - Potentiometric | 0351.4 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitrogen, Nitrate - Colorimetric, Brucine | 0352.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitrogen, Nitrate-Nitrite - Colorimetric/Cadmium | 0353.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitrogen, Nitrate-Nitrite - Colorimetric/Hydra. | 0353.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitrogen, Nitrate-Nitrite - Manual Cadmium | 0353.3 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitrogen, Nitrite - Spectrophotometric | 0354.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Nitroglycerine by HPLC | 8332 | SW-846 Ch 4.3.3 | |
Nitroromatics and Nitramines by GC/ECD | 8095 |
| SW-846 dev |
Nitrosamines | 0607 | /waterscience | 136 App A |
Nitrosamines by GC | 8070A | SW-846 Ch 4.3.1 | |
N-Methylcarbamates - HPLC | 8318 | SW-846 Ch 4.3.3 | |
N-Methylcarbamates by HPLC | 8318A | SW-846 www | Update IVB |
N-Methylcarbamoyloximes & N-Methylcarbamates | 0531.1 | 821/R-93-010-B | |
N-Methylcarbamoylozimes/ates - Aqueous In/HPLC | 0531.1 | 600/R-95-131 | |
NMOC in Landfill Gases | 0025C |
| 60 App A |
N-Nitrosodimethylamine by Thermosorb/N GC/MS | TO-07 | 600/4-89-017 | |
Nohalogenated Organics Using GC/FID | 8015C | SW-846 Ch 4.3.1 | Update IVB |
Nondispersive Infrared (NDIR) | IP-3A | 600/4-90-10 | |
Nonhalogenated Organics Using GC/FID | 8015B | SW-846 Ch 4.3. | |
Non-Ionizing Radiation | INDOOR AIR | 600/8-90-041 | |
Non-polar Organic Compounds (2.0) | TIE | 600/R-92-080 | |
NPDES Storm Water Sampling Guidance | SAMPLIN | 833/B-92-001 | |
NTA - Colorimetric, Automated, Zinc-Zincon | 0430.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
NTA - Colorimetric, Manual, Zinc-Zincon | 0430.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
O2, CO2, CO - emission rate correction factor | 0003B |
| 60 App A |
Occupational and residential exposure guidelines | 0875 | TSCA/FIFRA | |
Odor, Threshold - Consistent Series | 0140.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Off-Site / Portable Gas Chromatograph | SOIL-GAS | 600/8-87-036 | |
OIA-Method 1677 available cyanide | 1677 | 821/R-99-013 | |
Oil & Diesel Oil / Drilling Muds & Drill Cutting | 1651 | 821/R-92-008 | |
Oil & Grease | ESTUARINE | 430/9-86-004 | |
Oil & Grease - Extraction for Sludge & Sedimen | t 9071A | SW-846 Ch 5 | |
Oil & Grease (HEM/SGT-HEM) by extraction | 1664A | 821/R-98-002 | |
Oil & Grease and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons | 1664 | 821/B-94-004b | |
Oil & grease method - referral to use Method 1664 | 9070A* | : |
Oil & Grease, Total Recoverable - Gravimetric | 9070 | SW-846 Ch 5 | |
Oil & Grease, Total Recoverable - Spectrophot. | 0413.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Oil & Grease, Total, Recoverable - Gravimetric | 0413.1 | 600/4-79-020 | see 1664 |
Opacity of Emissions - Remotely by Lidar | 0009 Alt 1 |
| 60 App A |
Opacity of Emissions, Instantaneous Limitation | 0203C | ||
OPPTS Harmonized Test Guidelines | OPPTS | ||
Organic Analytes | ORGANIC | SW-846 Ch 4 | Update IVA |
Organic Carbon, Total - Combustion or Oxidation | 0415.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Organic Carbon, Total - UV Promoted | 0415.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Organic Compounds | INDOOR AIR | 600/8-90-041 | |
Organic Compounds - ambient gaseous/particles | SAMPLING | 600/4-83-027 | |
Organic compounds - LSE/capillary/GCMS | 0525.2 |
| |
Organic Compounds Biodegredation Rates - Vent | 0304A |
| 63 App A |
Organic Compounds Biodegredation Rates -Scrubber | 0304B |
| 63 App A |
Organic Compounds by Liquid/Solid Extract GCMS | 0525.1 | 600/4-88-039 | |
Organic Compounds in Drinking Water by LSE/GC/MS | 0525 | [Region 1#] 01A0008190 | |
Organic Compounds in Drinking Water by LSE/GC/MS | 0525.1 | 821/R-93-010-B | |
Organic Compounds in DW by LSE/Cap Col GC/MS | 0525.2 | 600/R-95-131 | |
Organic Compounds, Non-Methane (NMOC)/PDFID | TO-12 | 600/4-89-017 | |
Organic Compounds, Semi-Volatile and Volatile | TO-14 | 600/4-89-017 | |
Organic Extractin & Sample Preparation | 3500B | SW-846 Ch 4.2.1 | |
Organic Extraction and Sample Preparation | 3500C | SW-846 www | Update IVB |
Organic Halides - Solid Matrices/Neutron Activat | 1648 | ||
Organic Halides, Absorbable (AOX) | 1650 | ||
Organic Halides, Absorbable (AOX) | 1650B | 821/R-93-017 | |
Organic Hazardous Consitutents - Tedlar Bags | 0040 | SW-846 Ch 10 | |
Organic Priority Pollutants in Sludges | 0624-S | 600/4-84-001 | |
Organic, Inorganic and Total Mercury in Soils | 3200 | not available | SW-846 dev |
Organics - multi-media, multi-concentration | CLP-SOW | OLM04.2 | |
Organics analysis - low concentration water | CLP-SOW | > | OLC02.1. |
Organics, General in Sediment | PP-013 | 600/4-81-055 | |
Organics, Purgeable in Sediment | PP-012 | 600/4-81-055 | |
Organochlorine Pesticides & PCBs by GC | 8080A* | deleted | |
Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs - High VolPUF | TO-04 | 600/4-89-017 | |
Organochlorine Pesticides by Cap Column GC | 8081A | SW-846 Ch 4.3.1 | |
Organochlorine Pesticides by GC | 8081B | SW-846 Ch 4.3. | Update IVA |
Organochlorine pesticides by GC with ECD or ELCD | 8081B | SW-846 www | Update IVB |
Organochlorine Pesticides in Indoor Air | IP-8 | 600/4-90-10 | |
Organochlorine Pesticides in Wastewater | 0608.1 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Organochlorine Pesticides in Wastewater - GC | 0608.2 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Organohalide Pesticides | 1656 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Organohalide Pesticides & PCB Products by GC | 0505 | 600/R-95-131 | |
Organohalide Pesticides & PCB Products in Water | 0505 | 821/R-93-010-B | |
Organohalide pesticides -ww, soil, tissue-GC/HSD | 1556A | 821/R-93-017 | |
Organohalides-ww, soil sludge, sediment tissue | 1656A | 821/R-00-017 | |
Organomercurials, Selected by HPLC/ECD | 0245.3 | 600/4-91-010 | |
Organophosphorus Compounds by GC | 8041B | SW-846 Ch 4.3. | Update IVA |
Organophosphorus Compounds by GC | 8141B | SW-846 www | Update IVB |
Organo-Phosphorus in ww, soil, sed, tissue | 1657A | 821/R-00-018 | |
Organophosphorus Pesticides | 1657 | 821/R93-010-A | |
Organophosphorus Pesticides | 8140* | deleted | |
Organophosphorus Pesticides - GC Capillary Colum | 8141A | SW-846 Ch 4.3.1 | |
Original Enterocci method | 1106.1 | 821/R-97-004 | |
Orthophosphate by Automated Colorimetric | 0365.5 | 600/R-92-121 | |
Orthophosphate in Wet Depositon | 0365.6 | 600/4-86-024 | |
Ortho-Phosphate-P | 0300.0 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Oryzalin in Wastewater | 0638 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Osmium - AA, Direct Aspiration | 0252.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Osmium - AA, Direct Aspiration | 7550 | SW-846 Ch 3.3 | |
Osmium - AA, Furnace | 0252.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Overburden Sampling and Labeling | 0002.2 | 600/2-78-054 | |
Oxidant Reduction (8.7) | TIE-ACUTE | 600/6-91-003 | |
Oxidizing Solids (conical pile type burning UN) | 1040 | SW-846 www | Update IVB |
Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide - Instrumental | 0003A |
| 60 App A |
Oxygen, Chemical Demand - High Level | 0401.3 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Oxygen, Dissolved - Membrane Electrode (Probe) | 0360.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Oxygen, Dissolved - Modified Winkler | 0360.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Ozone in Atmosphere | AIR |
| 50 App D |
PAH - GC with Heated Column | FM-25 | 540/2-88-005 | |
PAH Content of Oil by HPLC/UV | 1654 | 821/R-92-008 1 | |
PAHs | INDOOR AIR | 600/8-90-041 | |
PAHs and PCBs in Soils/Sludges by TE/GC/MS | 8275A | SW-846 Ch 4.3.2 | |
PAHs by GC/MS | TO-13A | 625/R-96-010b | |
PAHs by Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE) & HPLC | 0550 | 600/4-90-020 | |
PAHs by Liquid-Solid Extraction (LSE) & HPLC | 0550.1 | 600/4-90-020 | |
PAHs Soil Screening by Immunoassay | 4035 | SW-846 Ch 4.4 | |
Paint Filter Liquids Test | 9095A | SW-846 Ch 6 | |
Painting/coating | 0009 | 600/2-85-028 | |
Palladium - AA, Direct Aspiration | 0253.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Palladium - AA, Furnace | 0253.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Palmes Diffusion Tube | IP-5B | 600/4-90-10 | |
Parameters to Monitor | 0004.4 | 600/4-82-029 | |
Paricles | INDOOR AIR | 600/8-90-041 | |
Particulate & Gaseous Arsenic Emissions | 0108 |
| 61 App B |
Particulate Matter (PM) - Instack Filtration | 0017 |
| 60 App A |
Particulate Matter (PM) - Stationary Sources | 0005 |
| 60 App A |
Particulate Matter, Suspended in Atmosphere | AIR |
| 50 App B |
Particulates, Floating | ESTUARINE | 430/9-86-004 | |
Passive Sampling Device | IP-5C | 600/4-90-10 | |
Passive Sampling Device | IP-6C | 600/4-90-10 | |
PCB - GC On-Site Lab / Hexane Extraction | FM-19 | 540/2-88-005 | |
PCB - GC On-Site Lab Hexane/Acetone Extraction | FM-21 | 540/2-88-005 | |
PCB - GC On-Site Lab Hexane/Methanol Extraction | FM-20 | 540/2-88-005 | |
PCB - GC On-Site Lab / Hexane/Methanol/H20 Extr | FM-18 | 540/2-88-005 | |
PCBs - Field Screening by SPE Membranes | FIELD | 540/R-94-519 | |
PCBs & Organochlorine Pesticides | 0608 | /waterscience | 136 App A |
PCBs & Pesticides in Water/Soil/Sediment - GC/MS | 0680 |
| [Region 1#] 01A0005295 |
PCBs and TCDD and Dibenzofurans | TO-09A | 625/R-96-010b | |
PCBs by Cap Column GC | 8082 | SW-846 Ch 4.3.1 | |
PCBs by GC | 8082A | SW-846 www | Update IVB |
PCBs in Soil Screening Test | 9078 | SW-846 Ch 4.5 | |
PCBs in Transformer Fluid and Waste Oils | PCB | 600/4-81-045 | |
PCBs in Transformer Oil Screening Test | 9079 | SW-846 Ch 4.5 | |
PCBs in Water, Soil - Isotope Dilution HRGC/HRMS | 1668 | 821/R-97-001 | |
PCBs Screening by Immunoassay | 4020 | SW-846 Ch 4.4 | |
PCBs screening by perchlorination & GC | 0508A | ||
PCBs, Dioxins/Furans PAH/HRGS | 4425 | SW-846 www | Update IVB |
PCDD & PCDF - HRGC/HRMS | 8290 | SW-846 Ch 4.3.3 | |
PCDD & PCDF in Human Adipose Tissue | TISSUE | 560/5-86-020 | |
PCDD and PCDF by HRGC/HRMS | 8290A | SW-846 Ch 4.3. | Update IVA |
PCDD and PCDF by HRGC/LRMS | 8280A | SW-846 Ch 4.3.2 | |
PCDD and PCDF by HRGC/LRMS | 8280B | SW-846 Ch 4.3. | Update IVA |
PCDDs and PCDFs - Stationary Sources Sampling | 0023A | SW-846 Ch 10 | |
PCDF & PCDD in Fish | FISH | 600/3-90-022 | |
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) - colimetric field test | 8540 | SW-846 | Update IVB |
Pentachlorophenol Screening by Immunoassay | 4010A | SW-846 Ch 4.4 | |
Perchlorate by Ion Chromatography | 9058 | SW-846 | Update IVB |
Perchlorate in DW using Ion Chromatography | 0314 | 815/R-00-014 | |
Perfluorocarbon Tracer (PFT) | IP-4A | 600/4-90-10 | |
Performance Specifications 1-7 | PF |
| 60 App B |
Permethrin | 0608.2 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticide - GC/ECD Hexane/Methanol Extraction | FM-22 | 540/2-88-005 | |
Pesticide - Isothermal GC/ECD Hexane Extraction | FM-23 | 540/2-88-005 | |
Pesticide by Bonded Sorbents | FM-D2 | 540/2-88-005 | |
Pesticide residue in food & feed commodities | RAM | [Region 1#] /oppbead1 | |
Pesticide Sampling - NEIC | SAMPLING |
| [Region 1#] 01A0005249 |
Pesticides | INDOOR AIR | 600/8-90-041 | |
Pesticides & PCBs by low volume PUF & GC/MD | TO-10A | 625/R-96-010b | |
Pesticides & PCBs in water & soil/sediment -GCMS | 0680 |
| |
Pesticides and PCBs by high volume PUF & GC/MD | TO-04A | 625/R-96-010b | |
Pesticides by GC/AED | 8085* | not available | |
Pesticides by Low Volume Polyurethane (PUF) | TO-10 | 600/4-89-017 | |
Pesticides in Fish | FISH | 600/3-90-023 | |
Pesticides in GW - HPLC/Ultraviolet Detector | PEST-04 | EMSL | [Region 1#] 01A0005658 |
Pesticides in Humans and Environmental Samples | PEST | 600/8-80-038 | |
Pesticides in soil & water | ECM |
| [Region 1#] /oppbead1 |
Pesticides, Carbamate & Amide | 0632.1 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Carbamate and Urea | 0632 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Carbon/Hydrogen/Oxygen Containing | 0616 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Certain Amine & Lethane in WW - GC | 0645 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Chlorinated - Neutrals/Sediments | PP-001 | 600/4-81-055 | |
Pesticides, Chlorinated in Fish | PP-002 | 600/4-81-055 | |
Pesticides, Chlorinated in Water by GC with ECD | 0508 | 600/R-95-131 | |
Pesticides, Dinitro Aromatic by GC | 0646 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Dinitroaniline in Wastewater | 0627 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Dithiocarbamates by GC | 0630.1 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Dithiocarbamates in Wastewater | 0630 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Netural Nitrogen-Containing | 0633.1 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Nitrogen & Phosphorus in GW by GC | 0507 | 600/R-95-131 | |
Pesticides, Organohalide & PCBs in WW | 0617 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Organo-halide/phosphorus:Malathion | 1618 |
| [Region 1#] 01A0006086 |
Pesticides, Organonitrogen:Bromacil/Deet/Hexazin | 0633 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Organophosphorous in WW | 0614.1 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Organophosphorus In WW | 0614 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Organophosphorus: Trichloronate - WW | 0622 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Thiocarbamate in WW - GC | 0634 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Thiophosphate:Aspon/Phosmet/Thionazi | 0622.1 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Triazine: Simetryn/Terbutryn in WW | 0619 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides, Volatile:Chloropicrim/Ethyl Dibromid | 0618 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides: Basalin (Fluchloralin)/CDN/Dinocap | 0646 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides: Benomyl & Carbendazim in Wastewater | 0631 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides: Ethion/EPN/Dioxathion/Terbufos | 0614.1 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides: Fenarimol/MGK/Pronamide | 0633.1 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Pesticides: Napropamide/Propanil/Vacor | 0632.1 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil by Turbidmetric | 9074 | SW-846 Ch 4.5 | Update IVA |
Petroleum Hydrocarbons Soil Screen by Immunoassay | 4030 | SW-846 Ch 4.4 | |
Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Total Recoverable | 0418.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
pH - Continuous Monitoring (Electrometric) | 0150.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
pH - Electrometric | 0150.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
pH - Electrometric Measurement | 9040B | SW-846 Ch 8.2 | |
pH - Paper Method | 9041A | SW-846 Ch 6 | |
pH Adjustment (6.10) | TIE-CHR | 600/6-91-005F | |
pH Adjustment Test, Acute Effluent (8.3) | TIE-ACUT | 600/6-91-003 | |
pH Adjustment/C18 Solid Phase Extraction (8.6) | TIE-ACUT | 600/6-91-003 | |
pH Adjustment/Filtration Test (8.4) | TIE-ACUT | 600/6-91-003 | |
pH Adjustment/Filtration Test, (8.5) | TIE-ACUT | 600/6-91-003 | |
pH of Wet Deposition -Electrolytic Determination | 0150.6 | 600/4-86-024 | |
Phenol - Liquid-Liquid Extraction & GC | FM-24 | 540/2-88-005 | |
Phenolics - Colorimetric Automated 4-AAp | 9066 | SW-846 Ch 5 | |
Phenolics - Spectrophotometric, Manual 4-AAP | 9065 | SW-846 Ch 5 | |
Phenolics - Spectrophotometric, MBTH | 9067 | SW-846 Ch 5 | |
Phenolics, Total Recoverable - Colorimetric4-AAP | 0420.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Phenolics, Total Recoverable - Spectrophot/4-AAP | 0420.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Phenolics, Total Recoverable - Spectrophot/MBTH | 0420.3 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Phenols | 0604 | /waterscience | 136 App A |
Phenols by GC | 8040A* | deleted | |
Phenols by GC: | 8041A | SW-846 Ch 4.3 | Update IVB |
Phenols by GC: Capillary Column Technique | 8041 | SW-846 Ch 4.3.1 | |
Phenols in DW by SPE & cap col GC/MS | 0528 | 815/R-00-14 | |
Phenols in Sediment | PP-008 | 600/4-81-055 | |
Phenoxy-Acid Pesticides | 1658 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Phosgene by HPLC | TO-06 | 600/4-89-017 | |
Phosphorus - Sample Preparation | 0200.2 | 600/R-94-111 | |
Phosphorus by Automated Colorimetry | 0365.1 | 600/R-93-100 | |
Phosphorus, All Forms - Colorimetric/Automated | 0365.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Phosphorus, All Forms - Colorimetric/One Reag. | 0365.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Phosphorus, All Forms - Colorimetric/Two Reag. | 0365.3 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Phosphorus, Total - Colorimetric/Automated | 0365.4 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Photochemical Degradation | 0021 | 600/2-85-028 | |
Phthalate & Adipate Esters in DW by LLE or LSE | 0506 | 821/R-93-010-B | |
Phthalate & Adipate Esters/Liquid-Liquid or LSE | 0506 | 600/R-95-131 | |
Phthalate Ester | 0606 | /waterscience | 136 App A |
Phthalate Esters | 8060* | deleted | |
Phthalate Esters by Cap GC/ECD | 8061A | SW-846 Ch 4.3.1 | |
Physical Methods - Overburdens & Minesoils | 0003.4 | 600/2-78-054 | |
Phytoplankton | ESTUARINE | 430/9-86-004 | |
Picloram in Wastewater - LC | 0644 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
Platinum - AA, Direct Aspiration | 0255.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Platinum - AA, Furnace | 0255.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Plutonium in Drinking Water | 0911 |
| [Region 1#] 01A0004860 |
Plutonium, uranium & thorium / soil, air, tissue | RA-LV-Pl | EMSL-LV-0539 | |
PM - Metals in ambient by ICP/MS | IO-3.5 | 625/R-96-01a | |
PM 2.5 - acidic & basic gases by Annular Deuder | IO-4 | 625/R-96-01a | |
PM 2.5 - reactive acidic & basic gases | IO-4.2 | 625/R-96-01a | |
PM 2.5 - strong acidity of atmospheric | IO-4.1 | 625/R-96-01a | |
PM and MCEM from Aluminum Production Facilities | 0315 |
| |
PM Asphalt Roofing (Particulate Matter) | 0005A |
| 60 App A |
PM Baghouses (Particulate Matter) | 0005D |
| 60 App A |
PM Condensible Particulate Matter | 0202 |
| 51 App M |
PM Fiberglass Plants (Particulate Matter) | 0005E |
| 60 App A |
PM Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit | 0005F |
| 60 App A |
PM Nonsulfuric Acid (Particulate Matter) | 0005B |
| 60 App A |
PM Wood Heaters from a Dilution Tunnel | 0005G |
| 60 App A |
PM Wood Heaters from a Stack | 0005H |
| 60 App A |
PM10 - Andersen Continuous Beta Attenuation | IO-1.1 | 625/R-96-01a | |
PM10 - Andersen Dichotomous Sampler | IO-2.2 | 625/R-96-01a | |
PM10 - Calculations for Standard Volume | IO-2.4 | 625/R-96-01a | |
PM10 - continuous determination of SPM in ambien | IO-1 | 625/R-96-01a | |
PM10 (In-stack CRS - Constant Sampling Rate) | 0201 |
| 51 App M |
PM10 - In-Stack, CRS (Constant Sampling Rate) | 0201A |
| 51 App M |
PM10 - Integrated sampling of SPM in ambient | IO-2 | 625/R-96-01a | |
PM10 - Particulate Matter as PM10 in Atmosphere | PM10 |
| 50 App J |
PM10 - Particulate Matter as PM10 in Atmosphere | PM10 |
| 50 App M |
PM10 - Ruppecht & Patashnick (R&P) TEOM Particle | IO-1.3 | 625/R-96-01a | |
PM10 - Rupprecht & Patashnick LV Partisol Sample | IO-2.3 | 625/R-96-01a | |
PM10 - Thermo Environmental Instruments (Wedding | IO-1.2 | 625/R-96-01a | |
PM10 and SPM - High Volume (HV) Sampler | IO-2.1 | 625/R-96-01a | |
PM2.5 - fine particulate matter in atmosphere | PM2.5 |
| 50 App L |
PNA, Total - Ultraviolet Fluorescence Spectropho | FM-26 | 540/2-88-005 | |
Polar organic compound/capillary electrophoresis | 8355 | not available | SW-846 dev |
Polonium-210 Emissions from Stationary Sources | 0111 |
| 61 App B |
Polonium-210 in Drinking Water | 0912 |
| [Region 1#] 01A0004860 |
Poly(ethylene glycol)-600 - Pharmaceutical | 1673 | 821/B-94-001 | |
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Fish | PCBs | 600/3-90-023 | |
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons | 0610 | /waterscience | 136 App A |
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons | 8100 | SW-846 Ch 4.3.1 | |
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) - HPLC | 8310 | SW-846 Ch 4.3.3 | |
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) | TO-13 | 600/4-89-017 | |
Pond Sampler - Liquid Wastes | SAMPLING | 600/2-80-018 | |
Portable THC Analyzer | SOIL-GAS | 600/8-87-036 | |
Post C18 Solid Phase Extraction Column (6.6) | TIE-CHRON | 600/6-91-005F | |
Post C18 SPEC & pH Adjustment (6.13) | TIE-CHRON | 600/6-91-005F | |
Potassium - AA, Direct Aspiration | 0258.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Potassium - AA, Direct Aspiration | 7610 | SW-846 Ch 3.3 | |
Potassium - AA, flame technique | 0258.1 CL | ILM04.0 | |
Potassium - Sample Preparation | 0200.2 | 600/R-94-111 | |
Potentiometric Determination of Nitrite Aqueous | 9216 | SW-846 Ch 5 | Update IVA |
Precision & Accuracy/Recovery for Metals - ICP | METALS |
| 136 App D |
Preliminary Methods | PRE 1-4 |
| |
Preparation - Standard Operating Procedures SOPs | QA/G-6 | 240/B-01-004 | |
Pressurized Fluid Extraction (PFE) | 3545A | SW-846 Ch 4.2.1 | Update IVA |
Priority Pollutant - Organic Compounds | ESTUARINE | 430/9-86-004 | |
Priority Pollutants, Organic, in Sludges | 0625-S | 600/4-84-001 | |
Probit Analysis for Chronic Toxicity | STATS | 600/4-91-002 | |
Product performance test guidelines - TSCA/FIFRA | 0810 | ||
Product properties test guidelines -TSCA/FIFRA | 0830 | ||
Protozoa & Enteric Virus Sample Collection | ICR | 814/B-95-001 | |
Protozoan Method - Giardia & Cryptosporidium | ICR | 814/B-95-003 | |
Purge & Trap for Aqueous Samples - Organic | 5030B | SW-846 Ch 4.2.1 | |
Purgeable Aromatics | 0602 | /waterscience | 136 App A |
Purgeable Halocarbons | 0601 | /waterscience | 136 App A |
Purgeable organic compounds - capillary column | 0542.2 |
| |
Purgeable organic compounds - capillary column | 0542.2 |
| |
Purgeable Organic Compounds, Rapid Screening | SCREENING |
| [Region 1#] 01A0005957 |
Purgeable Organic Halides (POX) | 9021 | SW-846 Ch 5 | |
Purgeable Organics in Sediment | PP-012 | 600/4-81-055 | |
Purgeables | 0624 | /waterscience | 136 App A |
Pyrethrins & Pyrethoids | 1660 | 821/R-93-010-A | |
QA/QC Plan & Data Validation Procedures -Removal | SAMPLING | 540/G-90-004 | |
QHEI (Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index) | FISH | 600/R-92-111 | |
Quality assurance project plans | QA/G-5 | 600/R-98-018 | |
Quality Control Procedures | QUALITY | SW-846 Ch 1 | |
Quality management plans (replace 004/80) | QA/R-2 | 240/B-01-002 | |
Radioactive Cesium | 0901 | 600/4-80-032 | |
Radioactive Cesium in drinking water | RA-CI-Ces | 600/4-75-008 | |
Radioactive Iodine | 0902 | 600/4-80-032 | |
Radioactive Iodine in DW - distillation | RA-CI-Io- | 600/4-75-008 | |
Radioactive Iodine in DW - precipitation | RA-CI-Io- | 600/4-75-008 | |
Radioactive Strontium | 0905 | 600/4-80-032 | |
Radioactive strontium in drinking water | RA-CI-Str | 600/4-75-008 | |
Radioactivity, Gross Alpha and Gross Beta | 0900 | 600/4-80-032 | |
Radionuclide Emissions from stationary sources | 0114 |
| 61 App B |
Radionuclides, Gamma Emitting | 0901.1 | 600/4-80-032 | |
Radiostrontium - radiochemical in aqueous, sea | Sr-04 | 520/5-84-006 | |
Radium, Alpha-Emitting Isotopes | 0903 | 600/4-80-032 | |
Radium, Gross Alpha Screening Procedure | 0900.1 | 600/4-80-032 | |
Radium-226 & Radium-228 / soil, air, tissue | RA-LV-Ra | EMSL-LV-0539 | |
Radium-226 in DW - radon emanation | RA-CI-R2 | 600/4-75-008 | |
Radium-226 radiochemical de-emanation | Ra-04 | 520/5-84-006 | |
Radium-226 radiochemical in water | Ra-03 | 520/5-84-006 | |
Radium-226 Radon Emanation Technique | 0903.1 | 600/4-80-032 | |
Radium-228 | 0904 | 600/4-80-032 | |
Radium-228 | 9320 | SW-846 Ch 5 | |
Radium-228 in DW - sequential method | RA-CI-R2 | 600/4-75-008 | |
Radium-228 radiochemical in water | Ra-05 | 520/5-84-006 | |
RadKleen | 0011 | 600/2-85-028 | |
Radon | INDOOR AIR | 600/8-90-041 | |
Radon & Radon Decay Product Measurement Devices | RADON | 402/R-92-004 | |
Radon & Radon Decay Product Measurements / Homes | RADON | 402/R-92-003 | |
Radon in DW by Liquid Scintillation Counting | 0913 |
| [Region 1#] 01A0006252 |
Radon, Indoor & Decay Product Measurements | SAMPLIN | 402/R-92-004 | |
Radon, Protocols for Screening and Measurement | RADON | 520/1-86-014 | |
Radon-222 Emissions | 0115 |
| 61 App B |
RDX in Soil and Water by Immunoassay | 4051 | SW-846 Ch 4.4 | |
Reactive Acidic, Basic Gases, PM in Indoor Air | IP-9 | 600/4-90-10 | |
Region 1 Compendium of QA Project Plan Guidance | QA-GUID |
| [Region 1#] 01A0007832 |
Region 1 Lab Data Validation for Inorganics | GUIDELINES |
| [Region 1#] 01A0006125 |
Region 1 Lab Data Validation for Organics | GUIDELINES |
| [Region 1#] 01A0006125 |
Region 1 Tiered Organic & Inorganic Data Validat | GUIDELINES |
| [Region 1#] 01A0006125 |
Remote Sensing & Surface Geophysical (1.1-1.6) | GEOPHYSIC | 625/R-93-003a | |
Reproduction - Red Macroalga | 1009.0 | 600/4-91-003 | |
Requirements for Environmental Programs | QA/R-1 | EPA Manual 53 | |
Requirements for QA project plans | QA/R-5 | 240/B-01-003 | |
Residual HC in Rubber Crumb by Capillary GC | 0313B |
| 63 App A |
Residual Hexane | 0310A |
| 63 App A |
Residual Hydrocarbon in Rubber Crumb | 0313A |
| 63 App A |
Residual N-Hexane in EDPM Rubber | 0310C |
| 63 App A |
Residual Solvent | 0310B |
| 63 App A |
Residual Styrene in SBR Latex by GC | 0312A |
| 63 App A |
Residue chemistry test guidelines - TSCA/FIFRa | 0860 | ||
Residue, Filterable | 0160.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Residue, Non-Filterable & Total Suspended Solids | 0160.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Residue, Settleable Matter | 0160.5 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Residue, Total | 0160.3 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Residue, Volatile | 0160.4 | 00/4-79-020 | |
Respirable Particulate Matter (PM) in Indoor Air | IP-10 | 600/4-90-10 | |
Rhenium - AA, Direct Aspiration | 0264.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Rhenium - AA, Furnace | 0264.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Rhodium - AA, Direct Aspiration | 0265.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Rhodium - AA, Furnace | 0265.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Rotenone - LC | 0635 821/R-93-010-A | ||
RPB - Rapid Bioassessment - Addendum | BIOMONI | 841/D-97-002 | |
RPBs - Rapid Bioassessment of Periphyton, fish | BIOMONITOR | 841/B-99-002 | |
Ruthenium - AA, Direct Aspiration | 0267.1 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Ruthenium - AA, Furnace | 0267.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Salinity | ESTUARINE | 430/9-86-004 | |
Salmonella - Microbiological Monitoring/Water | MICROBIO | 600/8-78-017 | |
Salmonella sp. in biosolids | 1682 | 821/R-98-004 | |
Salmonella/Microsomal/Mutagenicity Assay (Ames) | AMES | 600/4-82-068 | |
Sample Collection | 0012.1 | 600/4-82-029 | |
Sample Collection Protocol | SAMPLING | 600/2-85-104 | |
Sample Confirmation Procedures for Toxicity | TIE | 600/R-92-081 | |
Sample Frequency | 0004.3 | 600/4-82-029 | |
Sample Methods & Equipment - Microbiological | 0014.4 | 600/4-82-029 | |
Sample Preparation for Volatile Organics | 5000 | SW-846 Ch 4.2.1 | |
Sample Preparation Methods - Inorganix Analytes | INORGANIC | SW-846 Ch 3.2 | |
Sample Preservation | 0017.1 | 600/4-82-029 | |
Samples, Number of | 0004.2 | 600/4-82-029 | |
Sampling Agricultural Discharges | 0007.8 | 600/4-82-029 | |
Sampling designs to support QA project plans | QA/G-5S | ||
Sampling Equipment Decontamination | SOP #2006 |
| |
Sampling House Dust for Lead by Wipe & Vacuum | SAMPLING | 747/R-95-007 | |
Sampling Industrial Wastewaters | 0006.8 | 600/4-82-029 | |
Sampling Sludges | 0010.8 | 600/4-82-029 | |
Sampling Surface Waters - Fish Field & Lab | FISH | 600/R-92-111 | |
Sampling Train - Modified Method 5 semi-volatile | 0010 | SW-846 Ch 10 | |
Sampling Waters, Organisms & Sediments | 0008.7 | 600/4-82-029 | |
Scarification | 0010 | 600/2-85-028 | |
Screen for Use of High of Low-Level VOA Prep/PID | 3815 | SW-846 www | Update IVB |
Screening Method for Air Toxics Emission Factors | SCREEN | ||
Secondary Devices | 0003.5 | 600/4-82-029 | |
Sediment - Chironomus tentans life-cycle test | 0100.5 | 600/R-99-064 | |
Sediment - freshwater amphipods 42-d survival | 0100.4 | 600/R-99-064 | |
Sediment - marine amphipods 10-d survival | 0100.4 | 600/R-94-025 | |
Sediment & Water Samples - Handling & Analysis | SAMPLES |
| [Region 1#] 01A0005044 |
Sediment 28-d chronic toxicity -marine amphipod | SOIL Tox | 600/R-01-020 | |
Sediment Assessment Strategy Recommended by IJC | SEDIMENT | 823/R-92-006 | |
Sediment Bioaccumulation, Bedded Marine/Estuarin | SEDIMENT | 600/R-93-183 | |
Sediment Quality Triad Approach | SEDIMENT | 823/R-92-006 | |
Sediment Sampling | SOP #2016 |
| |
Sediments - Bioaccumulation / Lumbriculus varieg | 0100.3 | 600/R-99-064 | |
Sediments - Survival & Growth/Chironomus tentans | 0100.2 | 600/R-99-064 | |
Sediments - Survival Test / Hyalella azteca 10-d | 0100.1 | 600/R-99-064 | |
Selenium - AA, Furnace | 0270.2 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Selenium - AA, furnace technique | 0270.2 CL | ILM04.0 | |
Selenium - AA, Furnace Technique | 7740 | SW-846 Ch 3.3 | |
Selenium - AA, Gaseous Borohydride | 7742 | SW-846 Ch 3.3 | |
Selenium - AA, Gaseous Hydride | 0270.3 | 600/4-79-020 | |
Selenium - AA, Gaseous Hydride | 7741A | SW-846 Ch 3.3 | |
Selenium - Sample Preparation | 0200.2 | 600/R-94-111 | |
Selenium in Sediment | PP-003 | 600/4-81-055 | |
Semi-Volatile by Bonded Sorbents | FM-D3 | 540/2-88-005 | |
Semivolatile organic by SPE & cap col GC/MS | 0526 | 815/R-00-014 | |
Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds - Pharmaceutical | 1665 | 821/B-94-001 | |
Semivolatile Organic Compoounds by GC/MS | 8270D | SW-846 Ch 4.3.2 | Update IVA |
Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Cap Col | 8270C | SW-846 Ch 4.3.2 | |
Semivolatile Organic Compounds -Isotope Dilution | 1625B |
| 136 App A |
Semivolatile Organic Compounds/Isotope Dillution | 1625C |
| [Region 1#] 01A0006089 |
Semivolatile Organics - GC/FT-IR Cap Column | 8410 | SW-846 Ch 4.3.4 | |
Semivolatile Organics - GC/MS Packed Column | 8250A* | deleted | |
Separatory Funnel Liquid-Liquid Extraction | 3510C | SW-846 Ch 4.2.1 | |
Chemical or Method Description | Method Number | EPA or other Report # | 40 CFR Pt |
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Ways to save money AND help the environment:
Eat healthier AND save money: Instant Pot Duo Crisp 11-in-1 Air Fryer and Electric Pressure Cooker Combo with Multicooker Lids that Fries, Steams, Slow Cooks, Sautés, Dehydrates
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Protect your health with these:
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Interesting Reads:
THE PREPPER'S CANNING & PRESERVING BIBLE: [13 in 1] Your Path to Food Self-Sufficiency. Canning, Dehydrating, Fermenting, Pickling & More, Plus The Food Preservation Calendar for a Sustainable Pantry
The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre! Paperback
The Citizens' Guide to Geologic Hazards: A Guide to Understanding Geologic Hazards Including Asbestos, Radon, Swelling Soils, Earthquakes, Volcanoes
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming
Book: The Sixth Extinction:
An Unnatural History Paperback