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We have tried to put every OSHA guide, safety ,manual link and useful download you could want here (also see our manuals page).Please tell us of any links you'd like us to add , or if you find a dead link.
Abatement Verification Guide
About OSHA
Accident Investigation (see
Incident Investigation)
ACCSH - (Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health)
Additional Documents and Publications
Advisors/Software [OSHA eTools]
Advisory Committees
AED - (Automated External Defibrillators)
Agricultural Anhydrous Ammonia
Agricultural Operations
Airline Cabin Crews
Airline Industry
Alliance Program
Alternatives Assessment
Ammonium Nitrate
Ammonia Refrigeration
Ammonia Refrigeration eTool
Analytical Methods
Apparel and Footwear Industry
Asbestos Advisor (Software Download)
Asbestos Standards - (Training Materials)
Asphalt (Bitumen) Fumes
Assigned Protective Factors (APF), Respiratory Protection Standard
Autobody Repair and Refinishing
Automated External Defibrillators - (AED's)
Avian Influenza
Baggage Handling eTool
Basic Steel Products
Battery Manufacturing
Beryllium - 2017 Proposed Rule
Beryllium Rulemaking
Beverage Delivery eTool
Biological Agents
Bloodborne Pathogens and Needlestick Prevention
Blood Lead Laboratories
Booklets (OSHA Publications)
Brownfields - (Recycling Industrial/Commercial Properties)
Business Case for Safety and Health
Case Law (OSHRC)
Cell Towers
Chemical Database
Chemical Exposure Health Data
Chemical Facility Safety and Security Executive Order
Chemical Hazards and Toxic Substances
Chemical Hazard Assessment
Chemical Information Manual, (see
Occupational Chemical Database)
Chemical Reactivity Hazards
Chemicals: Annotated PELs
Chemicals, Safer
Chemical Substitutes
Cleaning Chemicals Infosheet
Cleaning Chemicals Poster (also in
Traditional Chinese, and
Cleaning Industry
Coal Tar Pitch Volatiles
Combustible Dust
Commercial Diving
Communications Towers
Competent Persons
Compliance Assistance
Compliance Assistance Specialists
Compliance (CPL's) Directives
Complaints - (How to File a Complaint with OSHA)
Compliance Memos (Other Agency Memos, Letters...)
Compressed Gas and Equipment
Computer Workstations
Computer Workstations eTool
Concrete and Concrete Products - Manufacturing and Construction
Confined Spaces
Confined Spaces in Construction
Confined Spaces Advisor (Software Download)
Congressional Testimonies
Construction eTool
Construction eTool - en Español
Construction Standards (1926)
Construction Incidents Investigation Engineering Reports
Consultation Services
Contact Us
Contacting OSHA Offices
Contacting Web Site Support Team
Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)
Cooperative Programs
Coronavirus, 2019 novel outbreak
Corporate-Wide Settlement Agreements
Cotton Dust
Cotton Press
Crane, Derrick, and Hoist Safety
Cranes and Derricks in Construction
Crowd Management:
Fact Sheet |
News Release
Culture of Safety (Hospitals)
Data and Statistics
Deck Barge Safety
Demolition [Construction]
Department of Energy (DOE) Transition Activities
Department of Labor Web Site - (
Dermal Exposure
Diesel Exhaust
Direct Reading Instruments
Directory - (OSHA Office Directory)
Disaster Site Worker Outreach Training Program
Dry Cleaning
Dust, Combustible
Earthquake Guide
Ebola - Fact Sheet: Cleaning and Decontamination of Ebola on Surfaces
Ebola - Safe Handling, Treatment, Transport and Disposal of Ebola-Contaminated Waste
Education Centers, OSHA Training Institute
EFOIA (Electronic Freedom of Information Act)
ELAWS (Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses
Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Final Standard
Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Industry
Electrical Contractors Industry
Electronic Health and Safety Plan (General) [E-HASP]
ELF Radiation
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Emergency Response Rulemaking
Emergency Response SBREFA
Employer Injury Rates -
Establishment Specific Injury and Illness Rates (OSHA Data Initiative)
Employment Opportunities - (Job Openings)
Enforcement: H1N1
Engineering - Construction Incidents Investigation Reports
Epidemiology (Occupational)
Ergonomics Guidelines for Shipyards
Ergonomics: Solutions for Electrical Contractors eTool
Establishment Search
Establishment Specific Injury and Illness Rates (OSHA Data Initiative)
Ethylene Oxide |
Small Business Guide for Ethylene Oxide
European Union - (Joint US-EU Cooperation on Workplace Safety and Health)
Evacuation Plans and Procedures eTool
Executive Order 13650
Expert Advisor Software [OSHA eTools]
Exposure Limits, Annotated PELs
Eye and Face Protection
Eye and Face Protection eTool
Eyewash Stations
FACOSH (Federal Advisory Council on Occupational Safety and Health)
Fact Sheets
Fall Prevention in Construction Campaign
Fall Protection
Fall Protection in Residential Construction
Fatal Facts
Federal Agency Poster (The OSHA Poster)
Federal Agency Programs
Federal Register - OSHA Notices
Field Federal Safety and Health Council
Field Inspection Reference Manual (FIRM) (See
Field Operations Manual (FOM)
Fire Safety
First Aid: Best Practices Guide
First Aid: Medical and First Aid Safety and Health Topic Page
Flavorings-Related Lung Disease Safety and Health Topics Page
Flight Attendants
Foodborne Disease
Forklifts - Powered Industrial Trucks
Formaldehyde in Hair Salons
Forms (OSHA Publications)
Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA)
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Compliance Questions
Frequently Cited OSHA Standards
General Duty Clause of the OSH Act
General Industry
General Industry Standards (1910)
General Safety and Health References
General Safety and Health References - Other Internet Sites
Geo-Thermal Energy
GHS OSHA's revised hazard Communication Standard
Graduate Nurse Internship Program (OSHA's)
Grain Handling
Grants, Susan Harwood Training Grants
Green Jobs
Grocery Warehousing eTool
Green Roofs
Hair Salons: Facts about Formaldehyde in Smoothing Products
Hair Smoothing Products: Hazard Alert
Hand and Power Tools
Harwood Grants
Harwood Grant Publications
Hazard Alerts
Hazard Awareness Advisor
Hazard Communication
Hazard Identification Training Tool
Hazard Information Bulletins - (SHIBs)
Hazardous Drugs
Hazardous and Toxic Substances
Hazardous and Toxic Substances, Annotated PELs
Hazardous and Toxic Substances, Safer Alternatives
Hazardous Waste
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER)
Health and Safety Plan for Anthrax - Electronic (e-HASP)
Healthcare - Hospitals
Health Hazards in Nail Salons
Health Professionals, Occupational
Heat Illness
Heat Smartphone App
Heat Stress (see
Occupational Heat Exposure)
Heavy Metals, (See Toxic Metals)
Hexavalent Chromium
Highway Work Zones
Hispanic Employer/Worker
Holiday Workplace Safety
Home Healthcare
Home Page - (
Hospitals and Community Emergency Response - OSHA 3152-3R 2008 [
Hospital eTool
Hospital Worker Safety
Hurricane Assistance and Recovery
Hydraulic Fracturing
Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Hydrogen Sulfide
Incentive Program Memo
Incidents Investigation Engineering Reports - Construction
Indoor Air Quality
Incident Investigation
Industry/Hazard Alerts
Industry Profile for an OSHA Standard
Industry Settlement Agreements
Industry-Specific Resources [Compliance Assistance]
Inequality -
Adding Inequality to Injury: The Costs of Failing to Protect Workers on the Job
Infectious Diseases Rulemaking
Information Collection Requests - (ICRs)
Information Quality Assurance Process - (IQCRs)
Information Quality Guidelines
Informed Substitution
Initiatives - (Training and References Materials Library)
Injury Data -
Establishment Specific Injury and Illness Rates (OSHA Data Initiative)
Injury Tracking Application (ITA) - Electronic Submission of Injury and Illness Records
Inspection Information
Interpretations of OSHA Standards
Internship Program, Nurse
Ionizing Radiation
Job OpeningsDOL Listings by Job Title, Dept. Agency, Geographic Location and Series/Grade)
Job Safety and Health Quarterly - (JSHQ)
Landscape and Horticultural Services
Laser/Electrosurgery Plume
Laser Hazards
Latex Allergy
Laws, Regulations and Interpretations
Laws and Regulations (29 CFR)
Lead, Blood Lead Laboratories
Lead In Construction Advisor
Lead: Secondary Lead Smelter eTool
Leading Indicators
Legionellosis (Legionnaires' Disease and Pontiac Fever)
Letters to Employers
Lockout/Tagout eTool
LOG - OSHA 300 Log Form
Logging eTool
Long Work Hours, Extended or Irregular Shifts, and Worker Fatigue
Lumber and Building Material Dealer Industry
Machine Guarding
Machine Guarding eTool
Magazine - See "JSHQ"
Making the Business Case for Safety and Health
Maritime Advisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (MACOSH)
Maritime Outreach Training Program
Maritime Safety
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Information
Meat Packing
Medical Access Order
Medical and First Aid
Medicine, Occupational - see Occupational Health Professionals
Medical Screening and Surveillance
Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)/OSHA w/other federal agencies
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Metals, Heavy (See Toxic Metals)
Metals, Toxic
Metalworking Fluids
Methylene Chloride
Methylene Chloride Small Entity Compliance Guides
Microwave Radiation
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
Motor Vehicle Safety
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Musculoskeletal Disorders, Prevention of
Nail Gun Safety
Nail Salons
National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (NACOSH)
National Emphasis Programs
National Safety Stand-Down for Preventing Falls
NAICS - North American Industry Classification System
Nationally Recognized Testing Labs - (NRTL)
Needlestick Prevention, Bloodborne Pathogens and
News Releases
Noise and Hearing Conservation (see
Occupational Noise Exposure)
Novel Coronavirus
Nurse Internship Program
Nursing Home eTool
Nursing Homes
Occupational Asthma
Occupational Chemical Database
Occupational Epidemiology
Occupational Health Professionals
Occupational Heat Exposure
Occupational Noise Exposure
ODI Data -
Establishment Specific Injury and Illness Rates (OSHA Data Initiative)
Offices - (OSHA Office Directory)
Oil and Gas Extraction
Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing eTool
Online Publications Order Form
On-Site Consultation (Free)
OSH Act of 1970 - (Amended 1998) [
OSHA Customer Service
OSHA Directorate of Technical Support and Emergency Management
OSHA Fact Sheets
OSHA History
OSHA Poster
OSHA Regulations - (29 CFR)
OSHA Regulations, Preambles to Final Rules
OSHA Standards - (29 CFR)
OSHA Technical Manual - (OTM)
OSHA Videos
OSHA's 40 Years
OSHA's Graduate Nurse Internship Program
OSHA's Occupational Medicine Resident Elective
Outreach Training Program
Pandemic Influenza
Pandemic Influenza: Severe PI: General Workplace Guidance
Publication 3327-02N
Pandemic Influenza: Severe PI: Healthcare Guidance
Publication 3328-05
Pandemic Influenza: Severe PI: Healthcare Q&A
Partnership - (OSHA Partnership)
Peer Review Agenda
PELS: Annotated PELs
Permissible Exposure Limits - (PELs)
Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs), Annotated
Permit Confined Spaces Advisor - (downloadable software)
Permit Required - Confined Spaces
Personal Protective Equipment - (PPE)
Plastics Industry
Portland Cement
Posters - (OSHA Publications)
Poultry Processing
Poultry Processing eTool
Powered Industrial Trucks eTool
PowerPoint Presentations
Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Industry
Powered Industrial Trucks - (Forklifts)
Powered Industrial Trucks - (Training)
Preambles to Final Rules - (OSHA Regulations)
Pressure Vessels
Preventing Backovers
Printing Industry
Printing Industry eTool
Process Safety Management - (PSM)
Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills
Pyrotechnics Industry
Quick Cards
Quick Start [Industry Sector Compliance Assistance]
Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Response
Radiation, Ionizing
Radiation, Non-Ionizing
Radiofrequency Radiation
Radiological Dispersal Devices - (RDD)/Dirty Bombs
Recordkeeping Assistance
Recordkeeping Forms
Regional and Area Offices Map
Regulations and Laws
Regulatory Agenda
Report a Fatality or Severe Injury
Reproductive Hazards
Residential Construction Industry
Residential Fall Protection - Information and Compliance Assistance Materials
Respiratory Protection: Safety and Health Topics
Respiratory Protection eTool
Respiratory Protection Standard - Training and Reference Materials
Restaurant Safety for Young Workers
Crowd Management
Retail Stores:
Crowd Management
Review Commission Decisions
Roofing (see
Using Dolly Type Devices to Spread Flammable Liquid Adhesives on a Roof Can Cause Fires SHIB)
RSS Feeds
Safe + Sound Campaign
Safe Patient Handling (Hospitals)
Safe + Sound Week
Safer Chemicals
Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program - (SHARP)
Safety and Health Awareness for Oil Spill Cleanup Workers (OSHA 3388 - 2010 v7) (
Safety and Health Guides
Safety and Health Information Bulletins - (SHIBs)
Safety and Health Management Systems (Hospitals)
Safety and Health Programs, Campaign (see
Safe + Sound Campaign)
Safety and Health Programs, Recommended Practices
Safety and Health Topics, Technical Links
Safety Culture (Hospitals)
Safety Pays Program
Safety Stand-Down
Sampling and Analysis
Sampling and Analytical Methods
Sample Programs [Compliance Assistance]
Sanitation (see
Scaffolding eTool
Science, Technology, and Medicine, Directorate of
Scissor Lift
Sealant, Waterproofing, and Restoration Industry
Seasonal Flu
Services and Programs
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - (SARS)
Sewing eTool -
en Español
SHARE - (Safety, Health and Return to Employment, a Presidential Initiative)
Ship Building and Repair
Shipyards, Ergonomics Guidelines
Shipyard Employment eTool
SIC/NAICS Search (Requires Java)
Silica, Crystalline
Slings -
Guidance on Safe Sling Use
Small Business
Small Business Training
Smartphone App (Heat)
Software/Advisors - (OSHA eTools)
Spanish-Language Resources
Special Emphasis Programs
Spray Operations
Standards - (29 CFR)
Standards Development
Statements - (Departmental and Agency Statements)
State Plan States
Statistics -
Establishment Specific Injury and Illness Rates (OSHA Data Initiative)
Statistics and Data
Steel Erection - (Safety Standards for Steel Erection)
Steel Erection eTool
Storage Tanks
Crowd Management
Surface Contamination
Susan Harwood Training Grants
Suicide Prevention
Swine Flu
Synthetic Mineral Fibers
Technical Information Bulletins - (SHIBs)
Technical Links to Safety and Health Topics
Technical Manual - (OSHA Directive TED 1-0.15A)
Telecommunications towers
Teen Workers
Teen Worker Safety in Restaurants eTool
Temporary Workers
Testimonies - (Congressional)
Training and Reference Materials
Training Grants
Transgender worker access to bathroom: Best Practices
Travel, International
Tree Care Industry
Trenching and Excavation
Trucking Industry
Unified Regulatory Agenda
US-EU - (Joint US-European Union Cooperation on Workplace Safety and Health)
Using Dolly Type Devices to Spread Flammable Liquid Adhesives on a Roof Can Cause Fires
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
Violence, Workplace
Voluntary Protection Programs - (VPP)
Walking-Working Surfaces Rule
Waste Anesthetic Gases
Weather Insulating/Sealing
Welding, Cutting, and Brazing
What's New
Whistleblowers Program Information - (Complaints - See
Workers' Page)
Wind Energy
Winter Weather
Women in Construction
Wood Dust
Wood Products
Wood Products: Sawmills eTool
Wood Products: Woodworking eTool
Worker Fatigue (See
Long Work Hours, Extended or Irregular Shifts, and Worker Fatigue)
Workers' Memorial Day
Workers' Rights
Workplace Injury and Illness Statistics
Workplace Violence
Compliance Assistance - Materials Library - By Law
Law: Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Conduct New Search | |||
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Please Click on the column headers to re-sort the materials below. | ||||
Title | ||||
YouthRules! Web Site | Laws and Regulations | Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)/Child Labor | Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)/Child Labor , Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Other |
YouthRules! Pocket Guide | Workplace Safety And Health | Teen Workers | Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)/Child Labor , Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Guide/Handbook/Manual |
YouthRules! Pocket Guide (Spanish) | Workplace Safety And Health | Teen Workers | Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)/Child Labor , Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Guide/Handbook/Manual |
All About OSHA | Workplace Safety And Health | OSHA Regulations | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Publication |
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 | Laws and Regulations | The Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Law/Regulation |
OSHA Compliance Assistance | Workplace Safety And Health | General Safety and Health | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Fact Sheet |
Setting Occupational Safety and Health Standards | Workplace Safety And Health | OSHA Regulations | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Fact Sheet |
Small Entity Compliance Guides | Workplace Safety And Health | Small Business | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Guide/Handbook/Manual |
Job Safety and Health | Workplace Safety And Health | OSHA Regulations | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Fact Sheet |
Job Safety and Health Protection | Workplace Safety And Health | General Safety and Health | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Poster |
OSHA Emergency Hotline | Workplace Safety And Health | Homeland Security, Emergency Preparedness and Response Laboratories | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Fact Sheet |
OSHA's Regional and Area Offices | Workplace Safety And Health | OSHA Regulations | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Publication |
State Job Safety and Health Programs | Workplace Safety And Health | General Safety and Health | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Fact Sheet |
OSHA Handbook for Small Businesses | Workplace Safety And Health | Small Business | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Publication |
OSHA Help for New Businesses | Workplace Safety And Health | OSHA Regulations | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Fact Sheet |
Consultation Services | Workplace Safety And Health | General Safety and Health | Consumer Credit Protection Act, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Other |
The OSHA Consultation Service | Workplace Safety And Health | General Safety and Health | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Fact Sheet |
Small Entity Compliance Guide for Respiratory Protection Standard (CFR 1910.134) | Workplace Safety And Health | Small Business | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Guide/Handbook/Manual |
Small Entity Compliance Guide for OSHA's Abatement Verification Regulation (29 CFR 1903.19) | Workplace Safety And Health | Small Business | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Guide/Handbook/Manual |
OSHA Inspections | Workplace Safety And Health | General Safety and Health | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Publication |
Employer Rights and Responsibilities Following an OSHA Inspection | Workplace Safety And Health | OSHA Regulations | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Publication |
Voluntary Protection Programs | Workplace Safety And Health | General Safety and Health | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Fact Sheet |
Inspecting for Job Safety and Health Hazards | Workplace Safety And Health | General Safety and Health | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Fact Sheet |
Variances | Workplace Safety And Health | OSHA Regulations | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Fact Sheet |
Recordkeeping Fact Sheet #1 | Workplace Safety And Health | General Safety and Health | Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act | Fact Sheet |
Ways to save money AND help the environment:
Eat healthier AND save money: Instant Pot Duo Crisp 11-in-1 Air Fryer and Electric Pressure Cooker Combo with Multicooker Lids that Fries, Steams, Slow Cooks, Sautés, Dehydrates
Save water AND money with this showerhead adapter, it lets the water flow until the water is hot, then shuts off water flow until you restart it, ShowerStart TSV Hot Water Standby Adapter
Protect your health with these:
Mattress Dust mite-Bedbug protector, 100% Waterproof, Hypoallergenic, Zippered
Handheld Allergen Vacuum Cleaner with UV Sanitizing and Heating for Allergies and Pet, Kills Mite, Virus, Molds, True HEPA with Powerful Suction removes Hair, Dander, Pollen, Dust,
Immune Support Supplement with Quercetin, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D3
GermGuardian Air Purifier with UV-C Light and HEPA 13 Filter, Removes 99.97% of Pollutants
5 Stage Air Purifier, Features Ultraviolet Light (UVC), H13 True Hepa, Carbon, PCO, Smart Wifi, Auto Mode, Quiet, Removes 99.97% of Particles, Smoke, Mold, Pet Dander, Dust, Odors
Interesting Reads:
THE PREPPER'S CANNING & PRESERVING BIBLE: [13 in 1] Your Path to Food Self-Sufficiency. Canning, Dehydrating, Fermenting, Pickling & More, Plus The Food Preservation Calendar for a Sustainable Pantry
The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre! Paperback
The Citizens' Guide to Geologic Hazards: A Guide to Understanding Geologic Hazards Including Asbestos, Radon, Swelling Soils, Earthquakes, Volcanoes
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming
Book: The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History Paperback