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EPA Regional Offices - Contact Information, Phone numbers, Addresses, etc.

EPA Regional Offices

US EPA Regional Contacts

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EPA Region I
Waste Management Branch,
JFK Federal Building
Boston, MA 02203-2211
617 573-5770
Library: 617 573-9687
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EPA Region 6
EPA Region 6
RCRA Programs Branch (6H-H)
1445 Ross Avenue
Dallas, TX 75202
214 665-6444
Library: 214 665-6424
EPA Region 2
Hazardous Waste Compliance Branch
290 Broadway, 21st Floor
New York, NY 10007-1866
212 637-3000
Library: 212 637-3187
EPA Region 7
RCRA Branch
726 Minnesota Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66101
913 551-7020
Library: 913 551-7241

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EPA Region 3

Hazardous Waste Management
Division (3HW00)
841 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215 597-9800
Library: 215 597-6633

EPA Region 8
Hazardous Waste Management Division
One Denver Place
999 18th Street, Suite 500 (8HWM)
Denver, CO 80202-2466
303 293-1603
Library: 303 293-1603
800 227-8917 (Within Region)
EPA Region 4
RCRA Branch
345 Courtland Street, NE
Atlanta, GA 30365
404 347-3016
Library: 404 347-4216
EPA Region 9
Hazardous Waste Management Division
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
415 744-1730
Library: 415 744-1510
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EPA Region 5

RCRA Program Management Branch
77 W. Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60604
312 353-8510
Library: 312 353-2022
EPA Region 10
Waste Management Branch
1200 Sixth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101
206 553-1200
Library: 206 553-1289

Ways to save money AND help the environment:

Eat healthier AND save money: Instant Pot Duo Crisp 11-in-1 Air Fryer and Electric Pressure Cooker Combo with Multicooker Lids that Fries, Steams, Slow Cooks, Sautés, Dehydrates

Save water AND money with this showerhead adapter, it lets the water flow until the water is hot, then shuts off water flow until you restart it, ShowerStart TSV Hot Water Standby Adapter

Protect your health with these:

Mattress Dust mite-Bedbug protector, 100% Waterproof, Hypoallergenic, Zippered

Handheld Allergen Vacuum Cleaner with UV Sanitizing and Heating for Allergies and Pet, Kills Mite, Virus, Molds, True HEPA with Powerful Suction removes Hair, Dander, Pollen, Dust,

Immune Support Supplement with Quercetin, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D3

GermGuardian Air Purifier with UV-C Light and HEPA 13 Filter, Removes 99.97% of Pollutants

5 Stage Air Purifier, Features Ultraviolet Light (UVC), H13 True Hepa, Carbon, PCO, Smart Wifi, Auto Mode, Quiet, Removes 99.97% of Particles, Smoke, Mold, Pet Dander, Dust, Odors

Interesting Reads:

THE PREPPER'S CANNING & PRESERVING BIBLE: [13 in 1] Your Path to Food Self-Sufficiency. Canning, Dehydrating, Fermenting, Pickling & More, Plus The Food Preservation Calendar for a Sustainable Pantry

The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre! Paperback

The Citizens' Guide to Geologic Hazards: A Guide to Understanding Geologic Hazards Including Asbestos, Radon, Swelling Soils, Earthquakes, Volcanoes

The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming

Book: The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History Paperback

See Echo Dot on Amazon