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Here are links to sources of environmental information from an economic perspective. The list is growing all the time. If you want to suggest a link or recommend information - click here to tell us!
Searching for the Profit in Pollution Prevention: Case Studies in the Corporate Evaluation of Environmental Opportunities (April 1998) This paper, written by James Boyd of Resources for the Future, presents three case studies on the decision-making processes surrounding pollution prevention investments at three large chemical manufacturing organizations: Dow, Monsanto, and Dupont. The case studies illuminate significant challenges facing P2 that may need to be studied and addressed by policy makers and industry alike. The cases demonstrate, for example, that corporate organizational or accounting weaknesses are not always at fault for firms' failure to adopt P2 alternatives. Instead, these particular projects foundered because of significant unresolved technical difficulties, marketing challenges, and regulatory barriers. The paper concludes with a discussion of environmental policy reforms and areas of research that the author feels are likely to promote P2 innovation. (EPA 742-R-98-005, 59 pages) ( PDF / HTML )Applying Environmental Accounting to Electroplating Operations: An In-Depth Analysis (May 1997) This report presents research findings regarding the implementation of environmental accounting practices in the electroplating industry, including information on the types and magnitude of environmental costs this industry incurs, the feasibility of improving the tracking of each of these costs, recommendations for investigating these environmental cost structures, and conclusions regarding the potential for wider adoption and application of environmental accounting concepts in this industry. (EPA742-R-97-003, 55 pages) (PDF / HTML)
Environmental Cost Accounting for Chemical and Oil Companies: A Benchmarking Study (June 1997) This report summarizes an environmental cost accounting benchmarking study of five major U.S. and Mexican companies that are developing environmental accounting systems. The purpose of this study was to allow the company participants to discuss the form and functions of their environmental accounting systems and the uses for the cost information yielded by such systems. This study was undertaken by the University of Houston's Institute for Corporate Environmental Management in partnership with the Business Council for Sustainable Development - Gulf of Mexico. (EPA-742-R-97-004, 60 pages) (PDF / HTML)
Valuing Potential Environmental Liabilities for Managerial Decision-Making: A Review of Available Techniques (December 1996) This report describes publicly available approaches and tools that have been developed specifically for estimating the monetary value of potential, preventable environmental liability costs. (EPA 742-R-96-003, 114 pages) (PDF / HTML)
P2/FINANCE Version 3.0, Pollution Prevention Financial Analysis Cost Evaluation Spreadsheet Software Application (December 1996) This is a spreadsheet system for conducting financial evaluations of current and potential investments. P2/FINANCE differs from conventional capital budgeting tools because it expressly addresses traditional obstacles to the financial justification of pollution prevention (P2) investments. Specifically, it expands the cost and savings inventory to include indirect and less tangible environmental costs, and uses profitability indicators and time horizons that capture the longer-term savings typical of pollution prevention investments. It runs with either Lotus 1-2-3 Version 3.4a for DOS or Microsoft Excel Version 5.0 for Windows. (EPA 742-C-96-001/002) (Download P2/FINANCE)
Environmental Cost Accounting for Capital Budgeting: A Benchmark Survey for Management Accounting (September 1995) A part survey of 149 U.S. manufacturing firms on the manner and extent to which those firms consider environmental costs an thier routine capital budgeting processes, especially in the context of evaluating potential environmental investments. (This study was done in collaboration with the Institute of Management Accounting) (EPA 742-R-95-005) (pp. 81) (PDF- Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)
An Introduction to Environmental Accounting as a Business Management Tool: Key Concepts and Terms (June 1995) This paper presents an overview of environmental accounting for those unfamiliar with environmental accounting. It describes what environmental accounting is, why it is important, outlines some application options, and presents key concepts, definitions, and issues. (EPA 742-R-95-001, pp. 39) (PDF)
Environmental Accounting Case Studies: Green Accounting at AT&T (September 1995) This case study reports AT& T 's developing position on "Green Accounting " as defined by AT & T as of July 1995. It outlines actions A T & T has taken to implement Environmental Accounting and includes their Green Accounting Glossary and excepts from their Green Activity Matrix. (EPA 742-R-95-003, pp. 55) (PDF)
Environmental Accounting Case Studies: Full Cost Accounting for Decision Making at Ontario Hydro (May 1996) This case study offers a comprehensive account of one public utility 's efforts to account for internal and external environmental costs. Useful data for other companies is included, such as external cost estimates for fossil fuel and nuclear energy production, methods for estimating internal and external costs, and methods for incorporating environmental accounting concepts into planning and decisionmaking. (EPA 742-R-95-004, pp.100) (PDF)
Incorporating Environmental Costs and Considerations into Decision-Making: Review of Available Tools and Software (September 1995) This study documents commercially available "project management software systems" and evaluates the extent to which environmental information, including costs, is incorpoated into each system. (EPA 742-R-002)(pp. 300) (HTML)
Stakeholders' Action Agenda: A Report of the Workshop on Accounting and Capital Budgeting for Environmental Costs (May 1994)
The Action Agenda summerizes the workshop and presents the recommendations of the workshop attendees for the key stakeholder group can take to promote improved environmental accounting. (EPA 742-R-94-003)(pp. 76) (HTML)
Environmental Accounting Resource List (March 1996) This document identifies non-EPA publications or information sources on environmental accounting. (EPA 742-B-95-001, pp. 9) (PDF)
Summary of Project Activities Through 1996 (PDF)
Environmental Accounting Documents Available in Printed Form (August 1998) Some EPA Environmental Accounting resources are not available through the Web site. This is a comprehensive listing of environmental accounting products available from EPA in electronic or printed formats. (PDF)
Environmental Accounting Network Directory Directory of EPA's Environmental Network for Managerial Accounting and Capital Budgeting (revised February 1996) The directory contains over 650 names of individuals who are either active or interested in environmental accounting activities. Individuals are sorted by community: academia, industry, consulting, government, etc. Many listings describe what individuals do and what services they have to offer to others. May be used as a phone or skills directory. (EPA 742-K-96-007, pp. 170) (PDF)
Check out our database version of the Environmental Accounting Network Directory, which contains over 800 names.
Ways to save money AND help the environment:
Eat healthier AND save money: Instant Pot Duo Crisp 11-in-1 Air Fryer and Electric Pressure Cooker Combo with Multicooker Lids that Fries, Steams, Slow Cooks, Sautés, Dehydrates
Save water AND money with this showerhead adapter, it lets the water flow until the water is hot, then shuts off water flow until you restart it, ShowerStart TSV Hot Water Standby Adapter
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GermGuardian Air Purifier with UV-C Light and HEPA 13 Filter, Removes 99.97% of Pollutants
5 Stage Air Purifier, Features Ultraviolet Light (UVC), H13 True Hepa, Carbon, PCO, Smart Wifi, Auto Mode, Quiet, Removes 99.97% of Particles, Smoke, Mold, Pet Dander, Dust, Odors
Interesting Reads:
THE PREPPER'S CANNING & PRESERVING BIBLE: [13 in 1] Your Path to Food Self-Sufficiency. Canning, Dehydrating, Fermenting, Pickling & More, Plus The Food Preservation Calendar for a Sustainable Pantry
The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre! Paperback
The Citizens' Guide to Geologic Hazards: A Guide to Understanding Geologic Hazards Including Asbestos, Radon, Swelling Soils, Earthquakes, Volcanoes
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming
Book: The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History Paperback