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The EH&S services you need...
when & how you need them!
If the responsibility for managing environmental and/or safety matters falls on you, but you are finding yourself more pressed for time every day, let EHSO show you how we can reduce your workload. EHSO can do it for less than by adding personnel to your staff or going to the traditional, overpriced consultants. Our tight group of experienced environmental and safety professionals have years of experience, individually and as a team - and with staff and close affiliates in 12 states and 3 countries, we're sure to be near your location. For more information on any topic, just click on the photo or title.
If you know what services you need and are looking to find an office near you to meet it; just click here for our service provider matrix. It will quickly locate a qualified provider near you!
EHSO has training programs that teach your employees how to solve environmental, health and safety problems themselves. We focus on teaching the understanding, application, and relevance of the regulations; not mere regurgitation! The students receive training manuals which are useful handbooks, not dark photocopies of slides! From Atlanta to California, Chicago to New Jersey; we have a nationwide network of really great trainers. What makes them great? More than simply regurgitating regulations and meeting basic requirements - them make the subjects fascinating with relevant anecdotal information that you can use. Click here for more information.
Audits, inspections and assessments are useful and inexpensive tools to identify problems and enable you to correct them! EHSO confidential audits are customized to meet your needs and are focused upon helping you correct the problem. Click here for pricing and more information .
EHSO offers a variety of services to meet OSHA and safety requirements, from noise & exposure monitoring, compliance assessments, program, procedure and plan development to regulatory guidance for the latest changes in requirements for risk assessment, hazard communication and process safety. Click here for more information.
You're being pressured to reduce head count, cut expenses and still meet both compliance and production goals. But there's those air and water permits that need to be renewed, new regs no one's read yet, and the OSHA 200 report and Form R coming up. You have a quick question on interpretation or application of a regulation, but there's no one to ask and the government hotline gave you a different answer every time you called? A regulation changed, and your company was fined because you didn't have time to read the Federal Register last month? Sound familiar? Have you thought of outsourcing the functions? You can meet your goals and save money by outsourcing to EHSO.
A properly designed and implemented environmental management system (EMS) will:
Similar to the Quality Management System (QMS) implemented for ISO 9001, the ISO14001 standard is a management system in accordance with defined internationally recognized standards. The 14000 standard has already been adopted by many leading global companies, such as IBM, HP, Intel, and AMP. For companies with a sound environmental system already in place, it offers an independent certification to demonstrate the credibility of the company. For firms without a system in place, it provides a common-sense means to reduce costs, meet environmental requirements, and achieve a strategic marketing advantage. For more information, click here.
Permits are required for many types of activities, not just large industrial smokestacks! In general, some form of permit application and approval is required any time the activity will result in any emission to the air, water or ground. Changes to existing activities usually require permit modifications. Even activities that do not have "point source discharges" (release to the environment through a pipe or duct) such as painting in a room or outdoors, or using epoxies outside - probably requires a permit. An improperly written permit application can cost your company plenty and impose unachievable conditions. Click here for more information about how EHSO can help your firm.
Is your staff spending too much time researching how to prepare, file and develop plans and reports, such as the new RMP's (Risk Management Plans (due June 1999)? Technical regulatory submissions, such as required reports like the Form R and various mandatory plans and programs (like the SPCC and safety programs) can be a drain on your resources. EHSO is skilled in producing quality technical submissions at an affordable price. Click here for more information and some of the typical submissions we prepare.
Do you manage a warehouse, laboratory, or operation that uses small containers (usually less than 10 gallons each) of chemicals, reagents, paints, thinners, dyes, inks, acids, bases, cleaners, strippers, pool chemicals, dry cleaning compounds, etc.? Over time, you will find that jars and cans have accumulated that are out-of-date, contaminated, partially used, leaking, or simply no longer needed. What do you do with them? Let EHSO explain the safe, legal and reasonably priced disposal alternatives.
We aren't everywhere, but we realize that eliminating travel costs makes a lower price for our clients, so we're constantly looking for safety and environmental professionals and small companies around the U.S. and abroad. If you have an environmental, safety or training company and would like to set up to receive referrals from EHSO where we don't operate, please contact us! If you focus on quality, customer satisfaction and value; we want to work with you!
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