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Climate Change Conclusions: Is It Real?


If you were looking for just the bottom line, you'll have to wait.  We're still gathering the references, studies and data from all sides in the debate. As we find one study or report from one side or the other, which appears to be conclusive, we then find evidence refuting that study. So until we complete that process, we'll only say that the preponderance of  reliable data seems to say that the climate has changed since the 1800's, in the direction of a warming earth.

Whether this is directly or primarily caused by mankind is yet to be proven.

Conclusions: Climate Change is Caused by...Man? Nature? Some of each?

We're not there yet.  Stay tuned.

Response to Climate Change Should be...

Regardless of whether climate change is caused by mankind, the localized effects of pollution, waste and inefficiency, on people, society and nature are so detrimental that it ought to be obvious that we should not pollute and should not waste.  We should move toward cleaner sources of energy. The question about how fast to move in that direction, how to pay for it, how to incent; these are not scientific questions, but rather belong in the realm of society and human costs.
